Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hello Everyone I get to introduce myself

      I am Jeffery John Di Maggio animator and artist. I started this blog back in January of 2012 and have had only one post since then. Why? Well I needed a job and didn't want to make another website so I displayed my work on a blog. Two months later I was hired by a small studio and have been working there ever since.

     So I have a career now why continue posting things the blog served it's purpose? I'm ready to grow as an artist, again. It is also necessary for any artist today to have some kind of web presents I learned that from one of my clients back when I was freelancing. I enjoy looking back through my old sketch books and see how far I've come. The blog is here to catalog my development not only in my art but also in my career.  

      I have been Hell bent for years on coming up with my own animate show. With this blog I will show the  steps I'm taking from beginning concept to end pilot episode and pitch. It will be a nice thing for me to look back on when I do have my own show.

      Not being strictly all about animation I also paint in oil something I am relatively new at and self taught. This will also track my development in this area.

     So now you know why I'm here and what I'm doing. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

End of website

 Until I find a good alternative, or finally cave and have someone build a website for me, I will be blogging and using Youtube to display my work. This is my reel created in October 2011 after working as a freelancing animator for three years.